Here you’ll find articles and interviews about the film as well as radio and TV appearances. I’m happy to say that 3 years after its release, there is still a lot of interest in the film, but more importantly, it helps new people every day. Thanks for your support and if anyone would like to interview director Jeffrey Scott Gould for their site, blog, newspaper, magazine, radio or TV show, please use the contact form.
Live National radio show interview Top Of Mind With Julie Rose discussing misophonia and the film.
“Listened to your part yesterday and really enjoyed it , keep doing what you’re doing ❤️”.
“I finally listened to your interview today, Jeff. If I hadn’t already known about misophonia, your “spot” would have been very enlightening.”
I was interviewed by Alexa Servodidio for The Alexa Show on White Plains Community Media. I feel this was my best interview, where we covered a lot of territory in 27 minutes.
“Quiet Please is an amazing documentary. I can’t believe how emotional I became watching it…..a serious and sensitive insight into what I’ve lived with (and kept quiet about because I felt like a freak) for years. Thank you! X”.
“Just watched your interview and I love how you so clearly explained what we deal with. Thank you for being our voice.”.
“Jeffrey, I love this interview. You articulated every aspect of this condition so accurately. Up until last week I never told a living soul about my “problem” because I always thought there was something wrong with me and I was too embarrassed to say anything. I’ve gone sixty years suffering silently. Thank you for helping me get my life, my self-esteem back.”
Article from on misophonia that includes the director of Quiet Please…
Article in the Marin Independent Journal about a family featured in Quiet Please… The Expanded Edition
Laura Kent contacted the local newspaper in San Rafael, CA, to get the word about misophonia, and the screening of the film
on March 11, 2018. The screening was a huge success in raising awareness:
“An amazing movie…so well done and very touching. My heart goes out to your family Laura. ..and all the other families that suffer from this disorder”.
“Very heartfelt movie & afternoon with you all! Merci merci! Will keep spreading the word.❣️
“Thank you for the wonderful insight to what your family has been living with for so many years. I do believe there is an answer and I will continue to pray for all of you! ✝️
“Laura even though I had already watched the DVD, seeing it again on Sunday just moved me all over again. You are such an amazing mom and advocate!! I believe that bringing more awareness and attention – like you are doing – will bring more treatments and understanding for people suffering from Misophonia.”
“Great night!! Great film. – well done”.
“Laura I saw the article in the IJ and I had no idea. How wonderful the work you are doing and getting the word out to other families dealing with this and getting the attention of medical professionals too. You are an amazing mom and I’m keeping positive thoughts for you and Zack💜”.
“Thank you for including me. It means a lot. The movie was heartbreaking and enlightening. Awareness is key. Thank you and Ryan again. ❤️”.
“Thank you for a very enlightening afternoon. The movie was very powerful, and such a great way to spread the word!”.
“Thank you for sharing your story…what an amazing movie! Keep spreading the awareness 💜”.
Article on the front page of The Spartanburg Herald-Journal about a Converse College artist/student who was featured in Quiet Please…
Interview from We are Moving Stories website on Quiet Please… and living with misophonia
Article from Big Think website on Misophonia where Quiet Please… is mentioned
Article from Forbes website on Misophonia where the Director and the film are mentioned
Radio Interview about Misophonia and the film, by Nikki Sixx and Jenn from Sixx Sense
Interview by Chester Goad for the Huffington Post on my life with Misophonia and the film
An article by Joyce Cohen for STAT News on Misophonia and the film Quiet Please… “Misophonia: When a crunch, chew or a sniffle triggers hot rage”
An article by Dean Plakas for SEV “Quiet Please–A Documentary on Misophonia”
An article by Jennifer Jo Kanter-Brout for the Observer “Misophonia: When Everyday Noises Can Make Your Life Unbearable”
An article by Adrianne Jeffries about the film “There’s a New Film About Misophonia, Where People Get Enraged by Certain Sounds”
An article I wrote for Quiet Revolution about stepping out of my introvert shell and producing a film that could potentially help thousands of Misophonia sufferers and their loved ones.
Jessica Murnane’s One Part Podcast-One Part Plant “Living With Misophonia In A Noisy World With Jeffrey S. Gould of Quiet Please”
I appreciated the invite to give an update on the progress of the film, on Alexa’s 2 Year Anniversary of “Insight Into Healing” Blog Talk Radio Show
Honored to do an interview about Misophonia and the Documentary, for Psychologist Pamela D. Darcy on Psychology Today’s Blog
“Quiet Please…gets a mention on the Today Show’s website that features a segment about the Wall Street Journal’s negative article about misophonia.
The Alexa Show featuring an interview with Quiet Please… director, Jeffrey S. Gould
Director, Jeffrey S. Gould on Alexa Servodidio’s radio show “Insight Into Healing” on 9/9/2015, click below to hear the show in full.
Article on Misophonia in the Philadelphia Inquirer, discussing director Jeffrey S. Gould’s life-long struggle with Misophonia and his film Quiet Please… to raise awareness. Click on the image to read the article.
An interview with “Quiet Please…” director, Jeffrey S. Gould in the premiere edition of Misophonia International Magazine