When I started this project, I don’t think I realized how all the people I filmed…all the lives and families that “let me in” would have such an impact on me. So far I’ve felt a connection with each person or family we filmed…of course, some more than others. I’m grateful for their time and participation, but I’m also grateful for the experiences I’ve shared with them. Here are some behind the scenes pictures from the past few weeks of shooting. They’ll be a lot more of these posts…
How do I become part of this documentary? This rules my life. I cried as I watched the trailor. I hide in my room whenever my stepsons are over because I don’t want to hear them eat. Please please please let me be a part of this.
My daughter has it just as bad. It sparks outrage and anger and people think it’s funny to tease by smacking/crinkle paper/clink their plates while eating on purpose. They do not understand that we cannot control our reactions. It is physiological and makes me crazy. I remember being little and feeling this same way. Since 4th grade and now I’m 44 and it is worse than ever. My poor husband walks on eggshells. Help please!