Director Jeffrey Scott Gould
My Misophonia journey begins
About 5 years ago, I received a life-changing call from a friend who saw a segment on 20/20; she said, “I know what you have, it’s called Misophonia and it means “hatred of sound”. After years of living with this sound sensitivity, I finally had validation that this was an actual disorder, and that’s where my journey began.
While doing research, I realized that there was a need for a film that not only explored the emotional and psychological impact that misophonia has on a sufferer, but also on their relationships, family dynamic, careers, and certainly every aspect of their lives. I also learned that there were many other people just like me and as a result, my documentary “Quiet Please…” was born. Over 900 contributions to the crowd-funding campaign, and hundreds of inquires have come in from 22 countries, further proving that there was a need for this film. It turns out, it’s not just a “quirk”…it’s a real neurological disorder.
Misophonia Awareness…The Worldwide Release
Since starting the film in 2015, many people have written that the film is making a difference in their lives, and helping to educate those closest to them; that’s where awareness starts. Please view the trailer; if you feel that you can relate or know someone who has similarly negative reactions to specific sounds, consider watching, or sharing the film with them. To date, the film has garnered 16 festival awards and selections, and has received a substantial amount of press. “Quiet Please…” with a running time of 93 minutes is now available for rent or purchase in over 50 territories on: and Amazon and Vimeo On Demand. The film includes Closed Captions, and Spanish/French Subtitles depending on location. There are also “Expanded Edition” DVDs available for those who would like to own a hard copy of the film.